Escape Velocity (The Game) stuff.
Art, screen captures, icons, photos, 3D, Escape Velocity, Quake, Smaug,
My favourite trade route.
This is a utility for EVN that looks up which bits have which missions
associated with them. Also useful for plug-in developpers since all the
mission bits are here, the free ones are all the ones that are not.
An automatic mission visualisation utility for EV: Nova.
The complete EV-Nova breakdown of all missons and their chronological order
that will allow you to complete the maximum missions possible. (You do'n't
want this.)
An incomplete listing of the bits and what I think they're for (Matt,
why do you make the bits so disorganized?) Very incomplete.
The improved version of the original. More appropreate formating.
Explanations. (Works only in 1.0.0, but may work somewhat in 1.0.10.)
JoshTigerheart: "All the multi-string glitches have long been fixed. You
can now only do 1 mission string without plugs." I took that as a
challenge. This is a start. This will get you all of the missions, but I
do'n't know how far into them it goes; will have to play for hours on end
to find out. Obviously it's still under constuction.
Unloading like the maximum CPL and biorelays on Cap'n Hector. Any other
ship would have roasted by now. Ahh, sometimes I miss Cap'n Hector.
This Stock EVN 1.0.10 while doing the walkthough.
This is all the missions that you can get while not commiting to a
My upgrades for my, I think, Starbridge E. I do'n't know; I was running
out of space and I just uploaded random screenshots before deleting them.