group-02 Andie Sigler 110234006 Neil Edelman 110121860 NOTE! look in Parser.c for code that should be in submitWebsite.c. Parser.c is called by submitWebsite.c which is called by submit.html on parsing. submit.cgi is made up of SubmitWebsite.c, PassWeb.c, Cipher.c, Catalog.c, Parser.c catalog.cgi is made up of Parser.c, Catalog.c, CatalogCGI.c, Cipher.c, PassWeb.c passweb from the previous assignment with minor adjustments is made up of PassWeb.c, Menu.c, Cipher.c we manage user accounts from passweb. type "passweb -view" to view the accounts. Andie did: html css c java clock Neil did: old code that was reused c html css extra things that were not assigned inspiration: (also by andie)